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Ant build issue with my Android Project

I get the following error when building my project. I suspect Butterknife library to be a reason, as I have annotations enabled through it. Do we need any special configurations to include butterknife with Ant build? Kindly let me know if you have any suggestions.

[javac] error: Bad service configuration file, or exception thrown while constructing Processor object: javax.annotation.processing.Processor: Provider dagger.internal.codegen.ProvidesProcessor could not be instantiated: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: dagger/internal/Binding

I solved the problem: I had to include the Annotation processor with the javac compile options and point it to the butterknife jar file.

For this, create a "custom_rules.xml" file, and add the following target for javac:

<javac encoding="${java.encoding}"
                    source="${java.source}" target="${java.target}"
                    debug="true" extdirs="" includeantruntime="false"
                <src path="${source.absolute.dir}" />
                <src path="${gen.absolute.dir}" />
                <compilerarg line="${java.compilerargs}" />
        <compilerarg line="-processorpath ${processorpath}"/>

Make your processorpath point to butterknife.jar file. Hope, this helps some one.

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