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How do I create an alias to Format-Table in Powershell?

Suppose I have a Powershell Format-Table string, something like:

ls | Format-Table Name, @{expression={$_.Length / 1024}; label='KB'}

I'm happy with the output I get from this, but I don't want to type it every time I use it. I'd like to be able to call it with a simple one-word command, something like:

ls | Format-KiloBytes

I gather I should be defining a function for this, since an alias can't specify the parameters. However, if I define something like:

function kilobytes {format-table Name, @{expression={$_.Length / 1024}; label='KB'}}

then it doesn't have any effect:

PS> ls | format-table Name, @{expression={$_.Length / 1024}; label='KB'}
   ... Produces the formatted output

PS> ls | kilobytes
   ... Produces output with unchanged formatting, the same as 'ls'

Edit: It appears I was confused. When experimenting, I'd already created an alias kilobytes that was aliased to Format-Table . I'd forgotten this, but this meant that creating a function kilobytes succeeded without any warning, but subsequently calling kilobytes wasn't calling the newly-created function but the existing alias.

First you can try :

function kilobytes {$input | format-table Name, @{expression={$_.Length / 1024}; label='KB'}}

You can find the explanation of $input in about_Functions . When you use a function in a pipeline, the objects piped to the function are assigned to the $input automatic variable.

Here's a working Filter version:

filter kilobytes {$_ | select Name,@{expression={$_.Length / 1024}; label='KB'}}


filter kilobytes {[PSCustomObject]@{Name=$_.name;KB=$_.length/1024}}

A proxy function provides a good way to bind one or more parameters while still supporting the original command in a natural way. A search on Bing for "powershell proxy function" will give lots of good details.

Below is a proxy function that does exactly what you want. You can see how you still have the Format-Table parameters like -AutoSize, but no -Property parameter as that has been hard coded.

A smarter version of this proxy might actually support adding additional properties to the hard coded ones.

function Format-Kilobytes

    try {
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Format-Table',
        $properties = "Name",@{expression={$_.Length / 1024}; label='KB'}
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters -Property $properties }
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($myInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {
process { try { $steppablePipeline.Process($_) } catch { throw } }
end { try { $steppablePipeline.End() } catch { throw } }
.ForwardHelpTargetName Format-Table
.ForwardHelpCategory Cmdlet

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