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JUnit 4 - expect an Exception of a certain class, but not subclasses

I'll try to provide a hackneyed, useless example that reduces the problem nicely :-)

I have a GenericException , and a MoreSpecificException which extends GenericException .

I need to test that SomeService.doThis() throws a MoreSpecificException . JUnit lets me do this elegantly like so.

@Test(expected = MoreSpecificException.class)
public void testDoThis() throws GenericException {
    new SomeService().doThis();

However, I also need to test that SomeService.doThat() throws a GenericException , so I tried this.

@Test(expected = GenericException.class)
public void testDoThat() throws GenericException {
    new SomeService().doThat();

However, I found that if doThat() actually throws a MoreSpecificException then the second test still passes. I assume this is because MoreSpecificException is a GenericException and the annotation is implemented to respect that relationship.

While this is a sensible default behaviour, I don't want this . I want to test that doThat() throws a GenericException and only a GenericException . If it throws a MoreSpecificException or any other subclass of GenericException , I want the test to fail.

Reading the docs it doesn't seem I can do anything with the annotation to change this behaviour, so looks like I'll have to use another solution.

At the moment I'm resorting to the following ugly solution - EDIT made significantly less ugly by Nathan Hughes' answer :-)

public void testDoThat() {
    try {
        new SomeService().doThat();
    } catch(GenericException ex) {
        Assert.assertEquals(GenericException.class, ex.getClass());

Is there a more elegant way to achieve what I want within the JUnit framework?

You can assert that the class of the Exception is what you expect:

public void testDoThat() {
    try {
        new SomeService().doThat();
    } catch(GenericException ex) {
        assertEquals(GenericException.class, ex.getClass());

Also got rid of the flag, instead having the test fail if no exception is thrown.

BDD Style Solution

JUnit 4 + Catch Exception + AssertJ

The most elegant solution ;) Readable, without boilerplate code.

public void testDoThat() {

    when(new SomeService()).doThat();



The code is identical for FEST Assertions 2 + Catch-Exceptions .

Source code



You can use the ExpectedException rule and a custom Hamcrest matcher that specifies which class can be thrown.

The following test will print that you expected an instance of RuntimeException, but got an IllegalArgumentException.

public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();

public void testThrows() {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("FAKE");

public class ClassMatchMatcher extends BaseMatcher<Object> {
    private final Class<?> expectedClass;

    private ClassMatchMatcher(Class<?> expectedClass) {
        this.expectedClass = expectedClass;

    public boolean matches(Object item) {
        return expectedClass.equals(item.getClass());

    public void describeTo(Description description) {
        description.appendText("an instance of ")

public class ExtraMatchers {
   public static Matcher<Object> isClass(Class<?> aClass) {
      return new ClassMatchMatcher(aClass);

Edit: Added a static factory method to make the test code cleaner.

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