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How to run an applet embedded in a HTML page using LTI CIVIL (DLL files) in NetBeans

I'm developing an app in NetBeans 7.4 which uses Lti-Civil DLL files for opening my webCam, I have to add to my project next parameter:

Properties -> Run -> VM Options: -> -Djava.library.path="lib/win32-x86" -Djava.security.policy=applet.policy

lib/win32-x86 = directory within my project which stores Lti-Civil DLL files If I want to make the JAR file Running I do the following in terminal:

java -Djava.library.path="C:\Users\myUser\Documents\NetBeansProjects\CapturaCamaraWeb2\lib\win32-x86" -Djava.security.policy=applet.policy -jar C:\Users\myUser\Documents\NetBeansProjects\CapturaCamaraWeb2\dist\CapturaCamaraWeb2.jar
  • I have to build this in a working applet (done)
  • build a HTML File and embed the Applet (done)
  • Make the applet work inside HTML file (not done yet)



Web Applet error message on load


Web Applet:


Java Console


EDIT: as far as I see this error message refers to this class 在此处输入图片说明

Add the libraries directly to your projects' libraries/dependencies.

In Netbeans, right-click on Libraries and select Add Jar/Folder to add the dependent libraries.

Once this is done, you don't have to manually specify the path while running again.

In order to build the project, right-click on the project and select "Clean & Build" - it'll create a dist directory containing the build output files along with all dependencies within a lib folder.

If you want all dependencies to go directly into your jar, you can use Netbeans package-for-store option in Run Target under build.xml

Right-click on the build.xml in the Files pane. (Windows menu -> Files to see the Files pane)


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