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How to Change Paper Size of a print dialog programatically C#?

I Want to Change the paper size to a user-defined paper size programatically in C# for Eg: 10x12 is my Paper Size. It is much better if you help me in how to print in Crystal Report with the paper size 10x12.

IN OnBegin Event of the print document class,set the below coding for custom paper size :

     Dim xCustomSize As New PaperSize("Custom", 10, 12)
            xCustomSize.PaperName = PaperKind.Custom

 PrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize =xCustomSize 

* For Crystal Report : *

crpt.PrintOptions.PaperSize = xCustomSize ;

for more detail: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/9e647fac-d5cd-42b7-a1e6-db6d6cf97c57/setting-pagesize-for-crystal-report?forum=vscrystalreports

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