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How to pass Enum from view to model ASP.Net MVC

the controller code looks like

public class EmployeeController : Controller
    public enum EmployeeType

    public ActionResult Details(int id, EmployeeType type)
        switch (type)
            case EmployeeType.RecruitmentOffice:
                // load repository
                // load domain object
                // load view specific to recruitment office
            case EmployeeType.ResearchInstitute:
                // load repository
                // load domain object
                // load view specific to recruitment office

now i want that how to generate form action method which will point to Details action method and pass the enum value like EmployeeType.RecruitmentOffice or EmployeeType.ResearchInstitute

and again when i will call that action method by jquery then how could i pass parameter for id & EmployeeType .

please discuss with sample code. thanks

What about sending as string and convert to enum

public ActionResult Details(int id, string type)
EmployeeType empType= (EmployeeType) Enum.Parse(
                                          typeof(EmployeeType), type, true );

or do write the custom model binder.

Note: Request params are string

If your enum is defined like this:

public enum EmployeeType {
    RecruitmentOffice, //value = 0
    ResearchInstitute //value = 1

In your View (*.cshtml) you can pass enum value like this:

var enumVal = 0; @* RecruitmentOffice *@
    url: '@(Url.Action("Details", "Employee"))',
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'json',
    data: {
        id: employeeId ,
        type: enumVal
    success: function (result) {
       @* Handle success *@

Where the enumVal is the Enum Value you need . And don't forget to decorate your Details action method with [HttPost] .

This is also pretty cool:

public enum PersonRole { User, Student, Instructor };

then from your razor view:

<button onclick="onclickDeleteRole('@(PersonRoleEnum.User|PersonRoleEnum.Student)')">

and in your javascript:

function onclickDeleteRole(role) {
    var personId = $('#SelectedPersonId').val();

        url: window.getUrl('Person/DeletePersonRole'),
        type: 'POST',
        dataType: 'json',
        data: {
            personId: personId,
            roles: role
        success: function (json) {
        error: function (jqXHR, status, error) {

and your controller action:

public JsonResult DeletePersonRole(int personId, PersonRoleEnum roles)
    // do business logic here...
    // roles will now have value PersonRoleEnum.User|PersonRoleEnum.Student
    // and you can use roles.HasFlag(PersonRoleEnum.User) to check if that flag is set

    return Json(new {Result = "OK"});

EDIT: for readability, you can always use strings in javascript, and MVC will parse those for you, eg

        url: window.getUrl('Person/DeletePersonRole'),
        type: 'POST',
        dataType: 'json',
        data: {
            personId: 1,
            roles: 'Student'
        success: function (json) {
        error: function (jqXHR, status, error) {

If you pass an enum value in your form, it will show up as an int in you controller. I think you have 2 ways to handle this :

  • make the type parameter an int, then cast it to your enum in your action
  • make a specific model binder that looks for an input called type and tries to cast it before getting into your action.

Some links, with sample code, may help you : http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/605595/ASP-NET-MVC-Custom-Model-Binder http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/551576/ASP-NET-MVC-Model-Binding-and-Data-Annotation

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