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Is build-artifacts under .maven/repository an standard folder structure for Maven 1?

我正在使用Maven 1的项目上工作:(我正在尝试解决缺少的jar问题。我注意到.maven / repository下有一个build-artifacts。build-artifacts是Maven的标准文件夹吗?创建此应用程序的自定义文件夹吗?

No build-artifacts is not standard folder, standard folder is .maven/repository

Read more: Maven 1.x - Properties Reference ,

  • maven.repo.local = ${maven.home.local}/repository

The repository on the local machine Maven should use to store downloaded artifacts (jars etc). -

  • maven.home.local = ${user.home}/.maven

The directory on the local machine Maven uses to write user specific details to, such as expanded plugins and cache data.

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