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Show bean values in rich:popupPanel

I have a rich:dataTable and like to show details to each row in a rich:popupPanel when the user clicks on the detail button.

I do this like this

                <h:panelGrid columns="3" columnClasses="titleCell">
                    <h:form id="form">
                        <rich:dataScroller for="table" maxPages="5" />
                        <rich:dataTable value="#{tournSelectionBean.tournaments}"
                            var="tourn" id="table" rows="10">
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText value="Name" />
                                <h:outputText value="#{tourn.name}" />
                            <a4j:commandButton value="Detail"
                                oncomplete="#{rich:component('detailpopup')}.show();" />
                        <rich:dataScroller for="table" maxPages="5" />

                <rich:popupPanel id="detailpopup" modal="true" resizeable="false"
                    <f:facet name="header">
                        <h:outputText value="#{tournSelectionBean.currentTournament.name}" />
                    <f:facet name="controls">
                        <h:outputLink value="#"
                            onclick="#{rich:component('detailpopup')}.hide(); return false;">

                    <h:panelGrid columns="2" columnClasses="titleCell">

                        <h:outputLabel value="City" />
                            value="#{tournSelectionBean.currentTournament.city}" />

                    <a href="#" onclick="#{rich:component('detailpopup')}.hide()">Close</a>

The setPropertyActionListener sets the ID correctly and the popup opens as expected. But the popup shows the details of the tournament that was in the bean when the view was created (and not the one that was set by the propertyactionlistner).

How can I achieve this?

EDIT: Updated above code and added Bean:

public class TournamentSelectionBean implements Serializable {

  private TournamentControllerInterface tournamentController;

  private List<Tournament> tournaments;

  private Tournament currentTournament;

  public void init() {
    tournaments = tournamentController.loadTournaments(true, false);

   * @return the tournaments
  public List<Tournament> getTournaments() {
    return tournaments;

   * @param tournaments
   *          the tournaments to set
  public void setTournaments(List<Tournament> tournaments) {
    this.tournaments = tournaments;

   * @return the currentTournament
  public Tournament getCurrentTournament() {
    return currentTournament;

   * @param currentTournament the currentTournament to set
  public void setCurrentTournament(Tournament currentTournament) {
    this.currentTournament = currentTournament;


You need to tell JSF to re-render the popup html before you open it:

<a4j:commandButton value="Detail" 
    oncomplete="#{rich:component('detailpopup')}.show();" />

Be careful: if you have a <h:form> inside the popupPanel, you may have issues when you re-render the complete popup. Put everything in a <h:panelGroup> inside the form, then re-render that one.

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