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Is there a way to force an envelope in docusign api to be wet signature only?

I'm trying to create an envelope that will only allow for a wet signature using the docusign api. Is there any functionality for this? I haven't been able to find it where I've looked. I know there's an enableWetSign property, but that still allows for Esign. If somebody could help me with this I'd really appreciate it.

DocuSign has since added this feature, so at the time Kim was correct, however, this now can be done per recipient as shown below:

Keep in mind the following as brought up in follow-on answers:

  • DocuSign Support or account representative must enable this feature for your DocuSign account first before it will work.
  • needs to be used with a composite template (shown below) vs a simple template referenced by templateid (Thanks - Tom Copeland)
  • Set the enableWetSign property at the envelope info
  • Set the requireSignOnPaper property for each recipient.

    POST /restapi/v2/accounts/[youraccountid]/envelopes HTTP/1.1 Host: demo.docusign.net X-DocuSign-Authentication: [removed] Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=AAA Accept: application/json


Content-Type: application/json
Content-Disposition: form-data

  "enableWetSign": "true",
  "enforceSignerVisibility": "true",
  "compositeTemplates": [
      "inlineTemplates": [
          "sequence": "1",
          "recipients": {
            "signers": [
                "recipientId": "1",
                "name": "Your Email (Sees all)",
                "email": "yourgmail+Test1@gmail.com",
                "routingOrder": "1",
                "tabs": {
                  "signHereTabs": [
                      "anchorString": "Sign1",
                      "tabLabel": "Sign Here 1"
                "recipientId": "2",
                "name": "Your Email (sees all but page 2)",
                "email": "yourgmail@gmail.com",
                "requireSignOnPaper": "true",
                "routingOrder": "2",
                "tabs": {
                  "signHereTabs": [
                      "anchorString": "Sign2",
                      "tabLabel": "Sign Here 2"
            "carbonCopies": [
                "email": "yourgmail+Testcc@gmail.com",
                "name": "Your Email (see all but 3 document)",
                "excludedDocuments": [
                "recipientId": "3",
                "routingOrder": "3"
                "email": "yourgmail+Testcc1@gmail.com",
                "name": "Your Email (see all)",
                "recipientId": "4",
                "routingOrder": "4"
          "documents": [
              "documentId": "1",
              "name": "test1.txt"
              "documentId": "2",
              "name": "test2.txt"
              "documentId": "3",
              "name": "test3.txt"
  "emailBlurb": "Test for CEFTAF DocVis ForceSign on Paper",
  "emailSubject": "Test for CEFTAF DocVis ForceSign on Paper",
  "status": "sent",

Content-Type: application/txt
Content-Disposition: file; filename="test1.txt"; documentid=1

Test Document 1 

Sign1 Here _______________________________

Sign2 Here _______________________________

Content-Type: application/txt
Content-Disposition: file; filename="test2.txt"; documentid=2

Test Document 2

Sign1 Here _______________________________

Content-Type: application/txt
Content-Disposition: file; filename="test3.txt"; documentid=3

Test Document 3

No Tabs for anyone means visible to all by default unless excluded



I'm not aware of any way -- either using the API or just via account configuration using the DocuSign web console UI -- to REQUIRE a WET signature and explicitly DISALLOW an ELECTRONIC signature for an Envelope. As you point out (by mentioning the enableWetSign property) -- you can control whether or not wet signing is allowed,...but there is no comparable property to control whether or not electronically signing is allowed.

特定的收件人元素是“ requireSignOnPaper”。

Note that requireSignOnPaper needs to be used with a composite template; it won't have any effect if used with a simple templateId parameter.

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