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How to check from Linux in Python for administrative access to a Windows machine

I have a network of end-user machines (Windows, Linux, MacOS) and I want to check whether the credential I have allow me to access the machines as administrator (I am checking the "here are the admin credentials to the machines" vs. reality).

I wrote a Python script (it runs on Linux) which

  • runs nmap -O on the network to gather the hosts
  • tries to ssh with paramiko to check the Linux credentials.

I would like to do a similar check for the Windows machines. What would be a practical way, in Python, to do so?

I have a few sets of credentials (AD or local to a machine) so I would need a somehow universal method. I was thinking about something like a call to _winreg.ConnectRegistry but it does not import on my Linux (it does on a Windows box).

I am no sys-admin, but just trying to mount the C-drive ( \\hostname\\C$ ) via samba/smb should work. This assumes that remote sharing and filesystem access is enabled on that box and the firewall rule setup to allow for remote connections.

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