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Access parent index in nested ng-repeat

I would like to do this really basic example :

<div ng-controller="ctrl">
<li ng-repeat="config in configs">
    <span >Config : {{config}}</span>
    <li ng-repeat="version in versions">

So basically, I got 2 imbricated ng-repeat loop, and I would like to access a value of the first loop from the second one. I thought it was really basic, but no way to make it work. My result of that is 1 li with the config printed, and 3 empty sub li s I already tried a lot of combination list {{$parent.index}} , {{$parent.config}} etc ...

I'm pretty sure this has to do with the structure of your HTML.

Here is a working plunker .

Since you are omitting the <ul> tags that are required for lists. The nested <li> is causing a display issue.

I have simple wrapped the <li> with <ul> and it seems to work fine:

<div ng-controller="ctrl">
  <li ng-repeat="config in configs">
    <span >Config : {{ config }}</span>
      <li ng-repeat="version in versions">
          VersionConfig: {{ config }}

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