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Integrating Wink and Spring in Tomcat

I am attempting to access a Wink Resource that should be deployed in tomcat. The Resource code is

public class LookupResource {

private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LookupResource.class);

private MetaService metaService;

public LookupResource() {
    logger.debug("CTOR +-");

 * @return the metaService
public MetaService getMetaService() {
    return metaService;

 * @param metaService the metaService to set
public void setMetaService(MetaService metaService) {
    logger.debug(String.format("Setting Meta Svc: %s ", metaService));
    this.metaService = metaService;

public JSONObject getStates() {
        final String METHOD = "getMessage";
        JSONObject answer = new JSONObject();
        try {
          logger.debug(String.format("%s +", METHOD));
          List<Lookup> states = getMetaService().findStates();
          for (Lookup state : states) {
              answer.put("Lookup", state);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
          logger.debug("Problem", e);
        } finally {
          logger.debug(String.format("%s -", METHOD));
        return answer;


I added Spring to the web.xml


And in my-webapp.xml spring configuration I registered the Resource

<bean id="lookupResource" class="com.codeheadllc.webapp.LookupResource" >
  <property name="metaService" ref="metaService" />

<bean class="org.apache.wink.spring.Registrar">
  <property name = "instances">
      <ref bean="lookupResource"/>

When I deploy and start tomcat I see in the logger that my LookupResource bean is loaded and it gets a reference to the metaService. However, when I hit http:///my-webapp/lookup/states, instead of accessing LookupResouce, I get a 404 message. I am sure it is a bonehead oversight, but I do not understand what I am doing wrong. If I add a servlet to the web.xml for RestServlet and add a mapping, say rest/*, then the RestServlet will create a new instance of LookupResource (without spring IOC) and attempt to execute the method.

Any help will be appreciated

If I add a servlet to the web.xml for RestServlet and add a mapping, say rest/*, then the RestServlet will create a new instance of LookupResource (without spring IOC) and attempt to execute the method.

Hey! You still need to add the servlet to web.xml !

Spring integration does NOT replaces the RestServlet. It only allows defining the resources as Spring beans.

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