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RegEx for currency (JavaScript)

I am new to regular expressions and i would like to validate user input with javascript.

The user input is a currency, but i want it without the thousands commata.





I tried the following regex-pattern, but it doesnt work for me. it validates for example "12a34" and i dont know why.


What would be the correct regex-pattern ? Could you explain this step by step ?

Thanks !

Do not escape the . while in a character group. Try with following regex:


^   = start of string
$   = end of string
()? = an optional capturegroup ( e.g. to validate "123")
{x,y} = The symbol may occur minimum x and maximum y times
RegExp: /^(?!\(.*[^)]$|[^(].*\)$)\(?\$?(0|[1-9]\d{0,2}(,?\d{3})?)(\.\d\d?)?\)?$/g
pattern: ^(?!\(.*[^)]$|[^(].*\)$)\(?\$?(0|[1-9]\d{0,2}(,?\d{3})?)(\.\d\d?)?\)?$
flags: g
3 capturing groups: 
   group 1: (0|[1-9]\d{0,2}(,?\d{3})?)
   group 2: (,?\d{3})
   group 3: (\.\d\d?)

Regex Test

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