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Session null in IFrame in ASP.net MVC only in safari browser

Page contains IFrame and session is null only in case of Safari. My Safari version is 5.1.7

I am using MVC 4.5 Everything works in other browsers perfectly. I am using the below code..

protected override void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext)
     filterContext.HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("p3p", "CP=\"CAO PSA OUR\"");

we had exactly the same issue - FB app did not work in Safari in ASP.Net MVC project. Here is what we did to fix it:

  1. Add P3P header to all reposonses. You can configure it at IIS server level: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/324013 - or do it directly in global.asax:

     protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("P3P", "CP=\\"NOI CURa ADMa DEVa TAIa OUR BUS IND UNI COM NAV INT\\""); } 
  2. Create w3c folder in the root of your website (so-called well-known location) and upload p3p.xml and policy.p3p files into it as per this Microsoft guide: How to Deploy P3P Privacy Policies on Your Web Site

here is my p3p.xml file:

    <POLICY-REF about="/w3c/policy.p3p">

and policy.p3p (sorry it's long but i'm not sure how to hide it as a spoiler):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<POLICIES xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2002/01/P3Pv1">
    <!-- Generated by IBM P3P Policy Editor version Beta 1.12 built 2/27/04 1:19 PM -->

    <!-- Expiry information for this policy -->
    <EXPIRY max-age="86400"/>

    <!-- Description of the entity making this policy statement. -->

    <!-- Disclosure -->

    <!-- No dispute information -->

    <!-- Statement for group "Basic information" -->
        <EXTENSION optional="yes">
            <GROUP-INFO xmlns="http://www.software.ibm.com/P3P/editor/extension-1.0.html" name="Basic information"/>

    <!-- Consequence -->
Data collected from all Web users: access logs, and search strings (if entered).</CONSEQUENCE>

    <!-- Use (purpose) -->

    <!-- Recipients -->

    <!-- Retention -->

    <!-- Base dataschema elements. -->
    <DATA ref="#dynamic.clickstream"/>
    <DATA ref="#dynamic.http"/>
    <DATA ref="#dynamic.searchtext"/>

    <!-- Statement for group "Cookies" -->
        <EXTENSION optional="yes">
            <GROUP-INFO xmlns="http://www.software.ibm.com/P3P/editor/extension-1.0.html" name="Cookies"/>

    <!-- Consequence -->
Cookies are used to track visitors to our site, 
so we can better understand what portions of our site best serve you.</CONSEQUENCE>

    <!-- Use (purpose) -->

    <!-- Recipients -->

    <!-- Retention -->

    <!-- Base dataschema elements. -->
    <DATA ref="#dynamic.cookies" optional="yes"><CATEGORIES><uniqueid/></CATEGORIES></DATA>

<!-- End of policy -->

Safari is set do NOT accept 3rd party cookies by default. This means when you're visiting domain A and it embeds domain B in an iframe, then it won't accept cookies from B until the user interacts with the content of the iframe.

This scenario bit me badly while developing a facebook application that needed sessions and the client didn't accept the solution of telling the user to enable 3rd party cookies. This is the workaround that I implemented and is working ever since:

  • check if the User-Agent header contains the string Safari
  • check if we get no cookies at all
  • if both of the above is true, issue a javascript redirect to my domain, to a special cookiefix page (meaning the following outut: <script>top.location = "http://example.com/cookiefix";</script> ) - the JS is needed to bust out of the iframe
  • on that page do nothing but set a dummy session variable
  • redirect to the original page and enjoy my session cookie, which is technically a 3rd party cookie but it was accepted already and doesn't need to cange

Use request tracing and look at the incoming request cookie or use a debugging proxy to look at the values on the client (or browser debug tools). Are cookies turned off? Is your session guid changing every time coming from server to client - in which case the session isn't remaining established

One way is to DisAllow cookies to never block it. in following way.

Go to Preferences.
Select Privacy
Never Block Cookies

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