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Build error when trying to compile Chess.app

I have downloaded Chess.app from opensource.apple.com . When I run xcodebuild install I get an error:

fatal error: 'CoreFoundation/CFLogUtilities.h' file not found
#import <CoreFoundation/CFLogUtilities.h>
        ^ 1 error generated.

The same error occurs when Building within XCode.

I have looked in /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Headers/ and, sure enough, CFLogUtilities.h is not present. I see that it's available to download from Apple's Open Source Website , but I feel like if it's linked in an app bundled with the OS, it should be installed by default, or at least after installing XCode + Command Line Tools.

Do I have to manually download and bundle the header file in order to build the project, or am I missing something?

I don't know what OS version you are using, but to compile this on 10.9 simply change CFLogUtilities.h to CoreFoundation.h .

you also either need to build the CrashReporterClient.a library and add it to the project, or remove it from the "link with libraries" build setting for the target.

a shell script will fail because iconcompiler is missing, but you can comment out that script line with a # and run just fine. I will leave it as an exercise to you to figure out how best to restore the app icon.

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