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I want to import data stored in a .csv file into mysql via php. The LOAD DATA INFILE query does not seem to work and i managed to write a code that will import the records one by one. Here is the code:


$arr = array(array(),array());
$num = 0;
$row = 0;
$handle = fopen("./import.csv", "r");

while($data = fgetcsv($handle,1000,",")){   
    $num = count($data);
    for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {
            $arr[$row][$c] = $data[$c];

$con = mysql_connect('localhost','root','password22');

for($i=1; $i<$row; $i++){
$sql = "INSERT INTO sls VALUES ('".$arr[$i][0]."','".$arr[$i][1]."','".$arr[$i][2]."','".$arr[$i][3]."','".$arr[$i][4]."','".$arr[$i][5]."')";


The problem is that I have about 300 000 records to import and when the records get too much, no record gets imported into the database and I get an error message. Is there anyway I can import the data faster or are there any similar statements like LOAD DATA INFILE I can use in PHP?

This may help you out

require_once 'reader.php';
$data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader();

// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

// Create table
$sql="CREATE TABLE tablename(

    quote_number VARCHAR(100),
    line_no VARCHAR(100),
    item_no VARCHAR(100),
    name VARCHAR(100),
    unit VARCHAR(100),
    rm VARCHAR(100),
    capex VARCHAR(100))";

// Execute query
if (mysqli_query($con,$sql))
  echo "Table tablename created successfully";
  echo "Error creating table: " . mysqli_error($con);

for($x = 2; $x <= count($data->sheets[0]["cells"]); $x++)
    //$sno = $data->sheets[0]["cells"][$x][1];
    $quote_number = $data->sheets[0]["cells"][$x][1];
    $line_no = $data->sheets[0]["cells"][$x][2];
    $item_no = $data->sheets[0]["cells"][$x][3];
    $name = $data->sheets[0]["cells"][$x][4];
    $unit = $data->sheets[0]["cells"][$x][5];
    $rm = $data->sheets[0]["cells"][$x][6];
    $capex = $data->sheets[0]["cells"][$x][7];

    $res = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO tablename
    (quote_number, line_no, item_no,name,unit,rm,capex) VALUES ('$quote_number','$line_no','$item_no','$name','$unit','$rm','$capex')");

you can download reader.php file from here

Since you have not shared the LOAD DATA INFILE I assume most probably the issue is with FILE Privileges

You have to GRANT FILE privileges to the person loading the file(Mysql user connecting through username/password from php). Sth like this:

 GRANT FILE on *.* TO 'mysql_user'@'localhost' ;  

Since FILE is global privilege you cannot localize that to a specific database eg dbname.* , just to note. To run the above command itself you should login to mysql from command line as root or as a user who has GRANT privileges.

Once that is done you should able to load the file using LOAD DATA INFILE . IF you are trying this in shared-hosting environment, your chances are very little. In that case you have to use the above method you tried , read the file, split the each line ,validate the line , insert into db table.

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