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JQuery slideToggle, collapse the child elements

I have a menu with collapsible sub menu's, there are 3 levels of menu and it works fine but i don't know how to collapse all child sub levels when you click to collapse the parent one.

The way it works is that if you click level 1 it expands level 2, then if you click level 2 it expands level 3.

The issue is that when all levels are open, I need to be able to click level 1 and collapse both level 2 and 3 together. I am using slideToggle at the moment.

I have pasted my code below and I know it's a really rubbish way to do it but I have had to assign fake H tags to the menu items because it is generated by the ASP:Menu control and it gives no unique ID to the menu items so I had to find a way around it.


<div id="Div1" class="MenuBar">
    <a href="#Menu1_SkipLink" style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: auto; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">Skip Navigation Links</a>
    <div class="mainmenu" id="Div2">
        <ul class="level1">
            <li><a class="level1 staticItem level1">
                <img src="/images/calculator.png" alt="" title="" class="icon" /><h7>Financial</h7></a></li>
            <li><a class="level2 staticItem level2">
            <li><a class="level3 staticItem level3" href="javascript:openNewWin(&#39;/Controls/Financial/AddressBook.aspx&#39;)">
                <h11>Address Book</h11>
            <li><a class="level3 staticItem level3" href="javascript:openNewWin(&#39;/Controls/Financial/CustomerTypes.aspx&#39;)">
                <h12>Customer Types</h12>
            <li><a class="level1 staticItem level1">
                <img src="/images/container.png" alt="" title="" class="icon" /><h8>Container</h8></a></li>
            <li><a class="level2 staticItem level2">
            <li><a class="level1 staticItem level1">
                <img src="/images/product.png" alt="" title="" class="icon" /><h9>Product</h9></a></li>
    <a id="Menu1_SkipLink"></a>



$(function () {
    //When opening the page all level 2 and level 3 items must be hidden.
    $(function () {

    function hideitems() {
    //Financial Click
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('h7').click(function () {

    //Address Click
    $(document).ready(function () {
    $('h10').click(function () {

Any suggestions on how to collapse all sub levels would be greatly appreciated as I am no master of JS.

Without changing the markup : build a structure which links subitems to items, and use it in the .click() callback.

For example, you can use $(...).data to associate data with a node :

// init function :
// we stack all level2 and level3 items as subitems of the last level1 item we met
// we stack all level3 items as subitems of the last level2 item we met
function init() {
    var $menu = $('ul.level1');
    var lv1Itm = null,
        lv2Itm = null;
    $menu.find('a').each(function () {
        var subitems;
        var li = $(this).closest('li').get(0);
        if ($(this).hasClass('level1')) {
            lv1Itm = li;
            $(li).data('subitems', []);

        if ($(this).hasClass('level2')) {
            lv2Itm = li;
            $(li).data('subitems', []);


        if ($(this).hasClass('level3')) {

$('.level1').click(function (e) {
    var subitems = $(this).closest('li').data('subitems');
    var shouldHideSubmenus = $(subitems).is(':visible');
    if (shouldHideSubmenus) {
        // in this case, hide all 'li' children items
    } else {
        // in this case, only show level2 items

$('.level2').click(function (e) {
    var subitems = $(this).closest('li').data('subitems');
    var shouldHideSubmenus = $(subitems).is(':visible');
    if (shouldHideSubmenus) {
        // in this case, hide all 'li' children items
    } else {
        // in this case, only show level3 items


try to use this http://jsfiddle.net/modaloda/B8b4z/1/

//Financial Click
$(document).ready(function () {
    $('h7').click(function () {

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