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Create a function in Excel VBA to test if a cell contains a certain character

I'm looking to create a function in Excel/VBA that will look at a range of cells and return a value of TRUE if any of the cells contains a certain character (an asterisk *). There will be some blank cells, some cells will contain text and some may contain text and an asterisk. Can anyone help? Many thanks

Copy and paste the below code into a new module

Function ContainsStar(r As Range) as Boolean
    Dim i As Long
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim contains As Boolean
    For Each cell In r.Cells
        For i = 1 To Len(cell)
            If Right(Left(cell, i), 1) = Chr(42) Then
                contains = True
                GoTo ExitFn
            End If
        Next i
    Exit Function
    ContainsStar = contains
    Exit Function
End Function

then use it in the spreadsheet like this


D1 = =ConstainsStar(A1:A3)

H1 = =ConstainsStar(E1:E3)


you can also use the instr function

function containstar(byval r as range) as boolean
dim cel as range 'be careful about variable names that are already existing code (cell)
for each cel in r.cells   
'or use a loop like: for i=1 to r.cells.count , and use r.cells(i), if you prefer.
  if instr(1,cel.value,"*")>0 then
     exit sub   'you can also exit for
  end if
next cel
end sub

and to call the function:


use only goto when you cannot do else, usually you don't need it.

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