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How to fill the drawable region in an imageView with another drawable?

so I'm trying to find the region of the current image in the ImageView and fill that region with a different image. Here is the original image Empty Circle inside an imageView . The imageView has a drawable of a circle inside. Then I'm trying to make it into something like this Circle filled with image inside an ImageView when a user chooses an image. I don't want to manually Photoshop a circle image. I am just hoping to fill the region with another image. I have tried SRC_IN method from AlphaComposite , but for android, I can't convert from BitMap to graphics2D . If anyone knows how to solve this using the BitmapFactory in android, I would really appreciate your help. Thank you.

The other solution besides Bitmaps, may be too simple for whatever you are trying to achieve otherwise I think it would have occurred to you. I'm just pointing it out in case you have "code blindness" and are trying to over-engineer the solution because you've worked on it for too long (we've all done it)

It is to have that circle/shape image saved as a png with the area you want filled being transparent then set it as the drawable for an ImageView (etc.) then in a RelativeLayout lay this view over the image you want to fill the area and apply a transparent background to the shape view OR simply set the fill image as the background for the shape view.

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