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Design dependencies in JUnit Test Class

I am new to Junit and testing frameworks in general, here is my question.

I have the following code:

public class Login extends WebsiteTestCase
    public void testChromeLogin()
        setDriver( getChromeDriver() );
        login( getDriver() );

    public void login( WebDriver driver )
        driver.get( getBaseURL() );

        WebElement username = driver.findElement( By.name("login_username") );
        WebElement password = driver.findElement( By.name("login_password") );
        WebElement submit = driver.findElement( By.cssSelector( "form#login input" ) ); 

        username.sendKeys( getUsername() );
        password.sendKeys( getPassword() );

        assertEquals( "Website HomePage", driver.getTitle() );

    public void tearDown() throws Exception


public class WebsiteTestCase extends StockholmTestCase
    public String username = "login", password_login = "password";
    private String baseURL = "http://website.com";

    public String getUsername()
        return this.username;

    public String getPassword()
        return this.password_login;

    public String getBaseURL()
        return this.baseURL;


public class StockholmTestCase extends TestCase
    private WebDriver driver;

    public WebDriver getChromeDriver()
        return new RemoteWebDriver( DesiredCapabilities.chrome() );

    public WebDriver getFireFoxDriver()
        return new RemoteWebDriver( DesiredCapabilities.firefox() );

    public WebDriver getDriver()
        return this.driver;

    public void setDriver( WebDriver driver )
        this.driver = driver;

As you can see in the WebsiteTestClass, I am hard-coding the current login username and password, and baseURL which works perfectly fine for my tests. But if I want to "programatically" set an environment for testing (perhaps for different programmers different login, password, different baseurl, ex: " http://Bob.dev.website.com "), then instead, I would like to be able to create an instance of WebsiteTestCase with different properties for login credentials, with a constructor.


public class Stockholm
    public static void main( String args[] )
        JUnitCore junit = new JUnitCore();
        Result result = junit.run( new Login( /* credentials here, settings */ ) );

as opposed to

public class Stockholm
    public static void main( String args[] )
        JUnitCore junit = new JUnitCore();
        Result result = junit.run( Login.class );

I understand in the above code that I am not passing an instance of Login to junit.run, so how would I design code to accomplish those things in this context?

You can have property file in the project, like webdriver-test-dev.properties and have the login credentials & URL defined in it. You can load that property file and inject properties during the test.

Environment can be passed as command line argument like -Denv=dev and using this value the right property file can be picked considering the file name if of a predefined format like webdriver-<env>.properties .

Also on a related not, for a test case it is better to use one common test login instead of having each programmer use his or her own login.

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