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Java Output UTF-8 to Real Characters?

In Java, how can I output UTF-8 to real string?



        String str = new String("\u6211\u4eec"); 
       System.out.println(str); // still ouput \u6211\u4eec, but I expect 我们 to be an output

String tmp = request.getParameter("tag");
        System.out.println("character set :"+request.getCharacterEncoding());       
        String tmp1 = new String("\u6211\u4eec");       
        System.out.println("string equal:"+(tmp.equalsIgnoreCase(tmp1)));
        String tag = new String(tmp);       

character set :UTF-8
string equal:false

From the output, the value from the request is the same as the string value of tmp1 , but why does equalsIgnoreCase output false ?

Java String are encoded in UTF-16. I do not see any problem in your code, I would believe the problem comes from your console and it doesn't show correctly the content of the String.

If you are using eclipse, change your console encoding here to UTF-8

Eclipse > Preferences > General > Workspace > Text file encoding

did you try to display just one of them? like

   String str = new String("\u6211"); 

I bet there is a problem in how you create that string.

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