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I am getting a blank screen on my pdo login

here's some code i did. I am trying to login to a certain page if my username/password are both correct - but I keep on getting a blank white page even if the username/password are either CORRECT or WRONG! I have 3 main files that I did. Home.php, enter.php, and connection.php.

Here's the code for Home.php:


<h1 align="center">Welcome To Home Page</h1>
<form method="POST">
<table border="0" align="center">



echo $_SESSION["firstname"]; 
    <a href="enter.php">Login</a>
    <a href="registration.php">Registration</a>
    <a href="enter.php">Logout</a>
<a href="enter.php">Logout</a>


<img src="pix.jpg" width="500" length="500"/>


Here's the code for Enter.php:


    <form action="connection.php" method="POST">
                                <input type="text" maxlength="30" name="emails" />

                                Password : 
                                <input type="password" maxlength="30" name="passwords" />
                            <input type="submit" maxlength="30" name="logins" value="Login" />


Here's the code for Connection.php:

function getConnection(){
$db =  new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=demodatabase", "root","********");
return $db;

$db = getConnection();
$stmt = $db->prepare("
    SELECT * FROM subscriber WHERE Email_id = :emails AND Password = :passwords
$stmt->bindParam(":emails"   , $users    );
$stmt->bindParam(":passwords", $passwords);
$total = $db->rowCount();
$count = $stmt->rowCount(); 
    if ($count > 0) { 
    $_SESSION['firstname'] = 'yes'; 
    header('location: home.php'); 

So why do I keep getting blank pages?

Look at your code:

function getConnection(){
    // …

You have everything in one function and never call that. You need a closing curly brace here:

function getConnection(){
    $db =  new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=demodatabase", "root","********");
    return $db;
}  // here

$db = getConnection();

Properly indenting your code would have helped.

On a side note, it's clear that you are storing passwords in plain text. Never do that! Use a good password hashing algorithm to hash passwords!

Also, using session_start or header after something has been sent to the browser is useless. Watch the unwanted spaces before <?php .

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