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How to retrieve query parameter value from portlet render url in liferay?

I tried something like this:

    int startIndex = 3;

   <portlet:renderURL var="nextURL">
     <portlet:param name="jspPage" value="/html/portlet/ext/ctestportlet/view.jsp?st=      <%=startIndex%>" />


<a href="<%=nextURL%>">Next</a>

And I am retrieving like this:

   String startIndexString = request.getParameter("st");  // get the index pages    

I am always getting the "" (empty string) for 'startIndexString ' value.

Please help. What is wrong here?

You can try this code snippet

    int startIndex = 3;

<portlet:renderURL var="nextURL">
     <portlet:param name="jspPage" value="/html/demo/view.jsp" />
     <portlet:param name="st" value="<%=String.valueOf(startIndex) %>"/>


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