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Sonata Admin: Use multiple document classes (types)

As you know, all God's creatures are different . They best fit into a non-relational database like . Let's say I have a ZooCollecion with different Animal Document Objects.

How can I use , to change the document class with a simple "type" select-menu (or something related) ?

奏鸣曲管理员 - 演示“类型”选择菜单


        class: %animal.admin.class%
        arguments: [null, %animal.class%, null] # Is this the key ?
            - [ setContainer, [ @service_container ] ]
            - { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: doctrine_mongodb, group: Zoo, label: Animals }

Animal - Acme/DemoBundle/Document/Animal ( base document ):

 * Class representing Animals
 * @MongoDB\Document(collection="zoo_animals", 
 *  repositoryClass="Acme\DemoBundle\Repository\ZooRepository")
class Animal
     * @MongoDB\Id(strategy="auto")
    protected $id;

     * @MongoDB\Hash
     * @Assert\NotBlank(message="Type type should not be blank.")
    protected $type;


大象图标 - (c)VisualPharm visualpharm.com Elephant - Acme/DemoBundle/Document/Elephant ( extends the base document ):

 * Class representing Elephants
class Elephant extends Animal

龟图标 - (c)VisualPharm visualpharm.com Turtle - Acme/DemoBundle/Document/Turtle ( extends the base document ):

 * Class representing Turtles
class Turtle extends Animal

A good example of that type of implementation in the admin would be the product creation admin in sonata ecommerce (see the createAction in the ProductAdminController: https://github.com/sonata-project/ecommerce/blob/master/src/ProductBundle/Controller/ProductAdminController.php ).

Basically what we did was override the AdminController through the service definition (see https://github.com/sonata-project/ecommerce/blob/master/src/ProductBundle/Resources/config/admin.xml ), which allowed us to override the createAction to begin with a type selection, and then edit the form according to this argument (here it's not a type per say, but a product provider ; but this basically is the same thing).

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