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only auto-reload session when I start vim with no parameter

here's a piece of my ~/.vimrc file:

autocmd VimEnter * : call ReadSession()
autocmd VimLeave * : call SaveSession()
function SaveSession()
    execute 'mksession! ' . getcwd() . '/.session.vim'
function ReadSession()
    let session_file = getcwd() . "/.session.vim"
    if filereadable( session_file )
        execute "so " . session_file
        if bufexists(1)
            for l in range(1, bufnr('$'))
                if bufwinnr(l) == -1
                    exec 'sbuffer ' . l

So it will reload a session even if I don't want it to
For example I call "vim 1.cpp" in a dirctory I once worked in(editing 2.cpp), then it will first show me 2.cpp
Can I modify the .vimrc so that if I pass parameters to vim, it won't read the session file? thanks!

I added a line

if (argc() > 0)
    exec 'bfirst'

but it still don't work.

Checking argc() is indeed the way to go. You can skip the execution of ReadSession() when parameters are passed:

autocmd VimEnter * if argc() == 0 | call ReadSession() | endif

Or put the condition into the ReadSession() function.

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