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dojo dynamically connect onclick event to drop down list item

I have a search box sending ajax request to create a dropdown list of items from the JSON responseText. I want to link each item to an "onclick" event. However, using the code below, all my events happend at the same time (not even on click) once my dropdown list appears.

function getDropDownList(jso){
    if (jso.errorCode == 0){
        var result = document.createElement("div");
            result.className = "resultList";

        for (var i = 0 ; i < jso.resultats.length && i < 7; i++){
            var item           = document.createElement("div");
                item.className = "item";
                item.innerHTML = jso.results[i].name + ' (' + jso.results[i].localities + ')';


            dojo.connect(item, 'onclick', myEventHandler);

Can someone help me to figure out what's wrong with this scheme ?

I recommend to use dojo/on and AMD load.

//this is a way
require(["dojo/query","dojo/domReady!"], function(query){
    //Use "dojo/request" if you need Send a request.
    var result  = dojo.create("div", {class:"resultList"}, null);
    //for()...... or import "dojo/_base/array" and make forEach
                    { innerHTML: jso.results[i].name + ' (' + jso.results[i].localities + ')',
                  class:"item"//other parameters here!.
                            }, null))
    .onclick(function(e){ console.log('clicked', e.target); })//or call myEventHandler
    //End for
    query(result).place('#myToolBar');//add result to Dom element with id myToolBar

More information on Dojo events can be found here .


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