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Objective-C Memory Leak on addSubview

The leak instruments warn me about a memory leak related to this part of code:

[self.contview addSubview:nav.view];

Here are how I manage the view:

    [nav.view removeFromSuperview];
    self.nav = [[[destinationClass alloc] initWithNibName:pagename bundle:nil] autorelease];
   [self.contview addSubview:nav.view];

Is it normal that the self.nav has a retainCount of 2 just after been allocated?Could this be related to the memory leak?

I'm very new to the memory management can someone give me some help?

Many Thanks

Assuming nav is a strong (retain) property, it retains the view controller you are assigning here:

self.nav = [[[destinationClass alloc] initWithNibName:pagename bundle:nil] autorelease];

effectively, the retain count after this line of code is 1; +2 for alloc and retain and -1 for autorelease . Generally you should never use retainCount method to determine the actual retain count of the object, maybe this answer will give you more insight why. Every alloc , retain or copy call should be matched with a release or autorelease call. You should add a matching release call in dealloc method of your class

-(void) dealloc {
    [_nav release];
    _nav = nil;
    [super dealloc];

Don't use manual memory management, use ARC, it will make your life much easier :)

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