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Remove elements from array of objects MongoDB

please take a look at my MongoDB 2.4 database: trip table:

{_id: 1,
"actions": [{ "type": "Flight" }, { "type": "Go" }, { "type": "Train" }, {    "type": "Sleep" }]
{_id: 2,
"actions": [{ "type": "Go" }, { "type": "Sleep" }, { "type": "Taxi" }]
{_id: 3,
"actions": [{ "type": "Flight" }]
{_id: 4

I want to remove action which type is "Flight", "Taxi", or "Train". This is my script:

db.trip.update({"actions": {$exists: true}}, {$pull: {"actions": {"type": {$in: ["Flight", "Taxi", "Train"]}}}});


db.trip.update({"actions": {$exists: true}}, {$pull: {"actions": {"type": "Flight"}}});
db.trip.update({"actions": {$exists: true}}, {$pull: {"actions": {"type": "Train"}}});
db.trip.update({"actions": {$exists: true}}, {$pull: {"actions": {"type": "Taxi"}}});

No way can solve this requirement. I don't know what is difference of mongoDB on MacOS and centOS. I've test this on 2 OS, test on terminal and MongoHub. Please help me!

The objects after updated will be:

{_id: 1,
"actions": [{ "type": "Go" }, {    "type": "Sleep" }]
{_id: 2,
"actions": [{ "type": "Go" }, { "type": "Sleep" }]
{_id: 3,
"actions": []
{_id: 4

Update your queries as :

db.trip.update({"actions.type": "Flight"}, {$pull: {"actions": {"type": "Flight"}}});
db.trip.update({"actions.type": "Train"}}, {$pull: {"actions": {"type": "Train"}}});
db.trip.update({"actions.type": "Taxi"}}, {$pull: {"actions": {"type": "Taxi"}}});


db.trip.update({"actions" : {$in : [{type : "Flight"}, {type: "Taxi"}, {type : "Train"}]}},{$pull:{"actions" : {$in : [{type : "Flight"}, {type: "Taxi"}, {type : "Train"}]}}},false,true)

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