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java.lang.AssertionError: Expectation failure on Verify: jUnit4 TestCase

The following code returns Expectation failure of verification: What's up with the code? can someone help me what am I missing there?

public class DAOImplTest {

    private DAOImpl dao;
    private JdbcTemplate mockJdbcTemplate;

    public void before() {
        dao = new DAOImpl();

        mockJdbcTemplate = createMock(JdbcTemplate.class);

    public void after() {
        dao = null;

    public void methReturnsWhenOrgIdsAndGuidFound(){
        final String expectedOrgIds = "d514d112566e";
        final String expectedGUID = "one";

                (RowMapper<String>) anyObject(), eq(expectedGUID), eq(expectedOrgIds))).andReturn(expectedOrgIds);


//      verify(mockJdbcTemplate, expectedOrgIds);

        assertEquals("d514d112566e", expectedOrgIds);


Wondering why it is throwing an error on verify?

The call to replay should be followed by a call the the expected methods, in your case, you should call the mockJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(); method with appropriate parameters; before calling the verfiy method.

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