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Where should JSF 2.2 resources be placed: WEB-INF or root

Before JSF 2.2, resources such as javascript, css and composite components would be placed at the root of a web archive in a /resources folder. A security constraint in WEB-INF would accompany this setup to prevent direct access:

    <display-name>Restrict direct access to JSF resources</display-name>
        <web-resource-name>JSF resources</web-resource-name>
    <auth-constraint />

In JSF 2.2, however, you can simply put the resources folder in WEB-INF: /WEB-INF/resources . This gives the resources implicit protection from direct access.

WEB-INF according to Tomcat documentation and IBM documentation describes it as a folder to store configuration files. It seems like a hack to put non configuration resources in WEB-INF just to gain the protection of the WEB-INF directory.

Are both methods of storing the resources identical in their effect? Are their any concrete drawbacks to either method?

You can safety put resources under WEB-INF it will save you from the mistake of forget to protect it from directly access, nothing more ! If you wanna keep in root with protection the effect will be the same.

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