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DataGridView missing new-row with empty datasource

I'm creating an application which uses a DataGridView to create and modify a local List that will be imported into a system later. It should be editable by the user (clicking and writing in the DGV), and it should also support importing from csv which means I need 2-way sync between DGV and datasource.

I've set the DGV's DataSource to a BindingList<Client> like this:

//In my seperate Client class-file
public class Client
    private string _name;
    private string _mac;
    private string _status;

    public Client(string pcnavn, string MAC)
        _pcnavn = pcnavn;
        _mac = mac;

    public string Name
            return _name;
            _name = value;

    public string MAC
            return _mac;
            _mac = value;

    public string Status
            return _status;
            _status = value;

//In my mainform class

public BindingList<Client> clientDataSource = new BindingList<Client>();

public MainForm()
//clienDataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns = false; //The duplicate columns where fixed by setting DataPropertyName for all columns.
clientDataGridView.DataSource = clientDataSource;

With this approach, the DGV is generated, but it is empty(only headers), so the user can't add a row by using the DGV. Without DataSource, it displays a blank row like a SQL editor so I can create rows manually in the DGV. How can I show the "new item"-row when linked to an empty data source? All examples I've found uses non-empty datasources.

AllowUserToAddRows and AllowUserToDeleteRows are set to true .

This picture shows my problem. The "first row" is missing when using datasource. It's not possible to add data by typing in the DGV. DGV

When looking at MSDN , I found this:

If the DataGridView is bound to data, the user is allowed to add rows if both this property and the data source's IBindingList.AllowNew property are set to true.

It seems BindingList has this property as false by default, so this little trick fixed it:

public BindingList<Client> clientDataSource = new BindingList<Client>() { AllowNew = true };

I guess you are missing the DataPropertyName setting.

  1. First you have to add columns to your data grid. Go to add columns option and add the required columns using the wizard.

  2. Secondly you have to edit each column in the wizard mode and set the DataPropertyName . Basically for each grid column you have created you need to give the exact bound property name of Client class.


Displaying Empty Row

When you bind a empty list to a DGV default row will be removed. If you need to display an empty row then do like this,

//Adding a client object to the collection so that an empty row will be inserted to DGV
clientDataSource.Add(new Client());
clientDataGridView.DataSource = clientDataSource;

See config here 请参阅此处的配置


  int id =Convert.ToInt32( textBox1.Text);
    string query = "SELECT * FROM ngo.inser WHERE ID LIKE '%" + id + "%'";
    command = new MySqlCommand(query, connection);
    adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(command);
    table = new DataTable();

    dataGridView1.DataSource = table;
catch(Exception ex)

And go to the datagridview edit column setting. In that DATA menu having DataPropertyName change non property into actual database column name. Then it will show you that column information . If you have multiple column then set all information like that.

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