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Retrieve hash KEY from hash VALUE (in Ruby)

I'm trying to set up a server to play a game of war for an assignment. I think I've got the sockets and players in a hash, where the keys are my sockets and the players are my values.

Now it's all well and good that I only write one retrieve function for the client class because they only need to pull from the server, but I need to be specific about from which client to take input, but I cannot figure out how to get a hash KEY from a hash VALUE in my program.

Mudasobwa, the test I'm trying to get to pass is the

def test_server_capture_output_from_client

at the bottom. Thanks, this is really bugging me.

#SERVER CLASS -- Server starts up a TCP, and starts up the game and players and deal the cards
#SERVER CLASS -- Server starts up a TCP, and starts up the game and players and deal the cards
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'socket'
require_relative 'WarGame_Class.rb'
require_relative 'ModifiedPlayer_Class.rb'
require_relative 'DeckClass.rb'

class WarServer

    def initialize(host, port)  
        @socket_server = TCPServer.new(host, port)
        @players = [Player.new, Player.new]
        @deck = CardDeck.new
        @deck.deal_cards(@players[0].cards, @players[1].cards)
        game = WarGame.new
        @clients = {} # keys are sockets, values are players


    def read_client_keys(keys)

    def close

    def capture_input(player)   ##input client to get what they wrote
        @input = @clients.keys[0].read_nonblock(1000) # arbitrary max number of bytes


    def accept_client
        #Hash here to link client to player? (or game?)
        client = @socket_server.accept
        @clients[client] = @players[@clients.size]
    #   puts "clients key 0: #{@clients.keys[0]}"
    #   puts "clients values: #{@clients.values}"
        if @clients.size == 2
            start_game#####################!!!! Starts game if two clients  can put client messages in start game

    def start_game  ##############!!!
        @clients.keys[0].puts  "Welcome to War.  Please press enter to play your card"
        @clients.keys[1].puts  "Welcome to War.  Please press enter to play your card"



class MockWarClient
    def initialize
        @socket = TCPSocket.new('localhost', 2012)

    def output

    def capture_output  #need to add (socket)?  How else read from specific socket?
        @output = @socket.read_nonblock(1000) # arbitrary max number of bytes
        @output = "capture_output error."

    def capture_input


class WarServerTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase

    def setup   #This would be like our INITIALIZE Function
        #anything is available through out all tests (i.e., instance vars)
        @war_server = WarServer.new('localhost', 2012)

    def teardown

    def test_have_1_port_listening

        socket_1 = TCPSocket.open('localhost', 2012)
        pass('connection in place')

        rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
        flunk('Port 1 error 1st test')


    def test_connecting_two_clients 
            client_1 = MockWarClient.new

            client_2 = MockWarClient.new



    def test_server_capture_output_from_client
        client_1 = MockWarClient.new

        client_2 = MockWarClient.new

        #can output @war_server.read_client_keys, though, if I take out the argument to pass in.
        puts "Test_Server_output @client keys #{@war_server.read_client_keys(player)}" #cient_1?


Thank you for any help!

In general, there is a Hash#key method to retrieve a key by value:

h = {'a' => 1, 'b' => 2}
puts h.key(2)
# ⇒ 'b'

In your case it seems to be sufficient. But aware of situation when there might be same values for different keys:

h = {'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 1}
puts h.key(1)
# ⇒ 'c'

Here you got the last key for this value. Whether you suspect same values for different keys, you're likely to use either Hash#keys method or Hash#each iterator and handle the iteration manually.

For instance, to retrieve the keys for the given value as an array:

h = {'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 1}
puts h.select { |k,v| v == 1}.keys
# ⇒ ['a', 'c']

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