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Using Moq To Test An Abstract Class

I am trying to run a unit test on a method in an abstract class. I have condensed the code below:

Abstract Class:

public abstract class TestAb
    public void Print()
        Console.WriteLine("method has been called");


void Test()
    var mock = new Mock<TestAb>();
    mock.CallBase = true;
    var ta = mock.Object;
    mock.Verify(m => m.Print());


Method is not public

What am I doing wrong here? My goal is to test the methods inside the abstract class using he Moq framework.

The message is because your Test() method is not public . Test methods need to be public . Even after making the test method public it will fail as you can only verify abstract / virtual methods. So in your case you will have to make the method virtual since you have implementation.


My answer for the similar question :

As a workaround you can use not the method itself but create virtual wrapper method instead

public abstract class TestAb
    protected virtual void PrintReal(){
            Console.WriteLine("method has been called");

    public void Print()

And then override it in the test class:

abstract class TestAbDelegate: TestAb{

     public abstract override  bool PrintReal();


void Test()
    var mock = new Mock<TestAbDelegate>();
    mock.CallBase = true;

   mock.Setup(db => db.PrintReal());

    var ta = mock.Object;

    mock.Verify(m => m.PrintReal());

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