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Error - “goto was unexpected at this time” When leaving a blank field and just hitting enter - Batch

The problem is when running the game, if I leave the field blank and just hit enter, the window closes.
When running the game in Command Prompt window from directory (to stop it closing), I see the above error message.
The "invalid selection" 'goto start' works fine if a character is entered, it all has to do with there being a blank field.

I have:

  1. tried if not defined goto
  2. tried encasing variables in ""

But nothing seems to work!

echo You need to decide NOW, are you going to barricade yourself in (Bug in),
echo or go to somewhere out of town (Bug out)?
set /p bug=I want to bug 
if %bug%==In goto bugin
if %bug%==Out goto bugout
if %bug%==in goto bugin
if %bug%==out goto bugout
echo Invalid selection
goto start

If the user inputs something blank the if statement fails:

set var=
if %var%==blah Echo BLAH
Rem The above results in :: if ==blah Echo BLAH :: Which will crash CMD

set var=
if "%var%"=="blah" Echo BLAH
Rem The above results in :: if ""=="blah" Echo BLAH :: Which will result in false

So surrounding the statement in quotes will result in:

echo You need to decide NOW, are you going to barricade yourself in (Bug in),
echo or go to somewhere out of town (Bug out)?
set /p bug=I want to bug 
if "%bug%"=="In" goto bugin
if "%bug%"=="Out" goto bugout
if "%bug%"=="in" goto bugin
if "%bug%"=="out" goto bugout
echo Invalid selection
goto start

Which should work.


As an extra suggestion, with the /i case insensitive switch then these lines can be replaced with the two lines following them and case will not matter.

if "%bug%"=="In" goto bugin
if "%bug%"=="Out" goto bugout
if "%bug%"=="in" goto bugin
if "%bug%"=="out" goto bugout

if /i "%bug%"=="In" goto bugin
if /i "%bug%"=="Out" goto bugout

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