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EF Code first NotMapped Attribute

Why is in the following example the [NotMapped] attribute required:

public virtual ICollection<Blog> Blogs { get; set; }

    public List<Blog> NewBlogs{
            return Blogs.Where(x=>x.Date > DateTime.Now).ToList();

Without the [NotMapped] attribute I get an exception:

Invalid column name Blog_ID

The column name in the database is BlogID.


I would expect, that properties without setter are never directly mapped to the database and automatically ignored by code first.

with [NotMapped] attribute basically you mark that properties as not an Entity/Properties

so EF will not try to map/fetch that properties from database

that example actually say, NewBlogs is not Entity like Blogs. so stop try to get NewBlogs from database


Even if the property doesn't have a setter you could have that persisted in the database. ie: you have a model Product that sets a property like the Price in the constructor that you don't want to change (doesn't have a setter) but you want that value persisted in the DB

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