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Serialize() Jquery returns null for fields date type

I'm trying to serialize my form I have values ​​in my PartialViewResult (ASPNET MVC 4) but is coming DATE type fields to null, does anyone know why? Thanks!

    url: '@Url.Action("CadastroLancamentoParcelar")',
    type: 'GET',
    cache: false,
    context: this,
    data: $("#LancamentoForm").serialize(),
    success: function (result) {
    close: function (event, ui) {

My PartialViewResult:

    public PartialViewResult CadastroLancamentoParcelar(LancamentoReceitaDespesa lancamento)
        lancamento.decLancamentoParcelaValor = lancamento.decLancamentoReceitaDespesaValor;

        return PartialView("_CadastroLancamentoParcelar", lancamento);


     @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.dtLancamentoReceitaDespesaDataVencimento, "{0: dd/MM/yyyy}", new { @maxlength = "10", @style = "width:107px;", @onkeypress = "mascara(this,mdata);", autocomplete = "off", @id = "txtCalendario" })


 <input autocomplete="off" data-val="true" data-val-date="The field Data do Vencimento: must be a date." id="txtCalendario" maxlength="10" name="dtLancamentoReceitaDespesaDataVencimento" onkeypress="mascara(this,mdata);" style="width:107px;" type="text" value="" class="hasDatepicker">

already solved the problem...

There's a gotcha with the default model binder that is not easy to know about but once you know it you no longer make the same mistake:

When you use a POST request, the default model binder uses your culture settings to parse the dates.

When you use a GET request, the default model binder uses CultureInfo.InvariantCulture to parse the dates and ignores your current culture settings.

follow the link discovery: Passing a DateTime to controller via URL causing error in ASP .NET MVC 3 (culture)

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