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Apache Camel: setProperty and Groovy

I have the following Camel route:

<route id="myroute">
    <from uri="timer://runOnce?repeatCount=1&amp;delay=10" />

    <!-- Set a new property on the exchange. -->
    <to uri="bean:propSetter?method=setProp" />

    <to uri="direct:fizz" />

My PropSetter bean:

public class PropSetter {
    // Add new "buzz" ArrayList<Long> to the exchange.
    public void setProp(Exchange exchange) {
        exchange.setProperty("buzz", new ArrayList<Long>());

I would like to rewrite this without a Java bean and instead use Camel's <setProperty/> element. The only thing I can think of is to use the built-in Groovy expression:

<route id="myroute">
    <from uri="timer://runOnce?repeatCount=1&amp;delay=10" />

    <!-- Set a new property on the exchange. -->
    <setProperty propertyName="buzz">
        <groovy>new ArrayList&lt;Long&gt;();</groovy>

    <to uri="direct:fizz" />

But this does not seem to work. So how can I use XML to set a new ArrayList<Long> on the exchange called buzz ?

Define a list using Spring's util namespace as :

<util:list id="myList" value-type="java.lang.String">

Then using the simple language you can access the bean and set in an exchange property

<camel:setProperty propertyName="buzz">

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