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Node.js with CoffeeScript, how to debug?

I am used to being a Front-End Developer. I am new to NodeJS.

I always use CoffeeScript to build Front-end code.

I have a coffeescript file like the following:

http = require 'http'

http.createServer (req, res) ->
  res.writeHead 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}
  res.end 'Hello World\n'
.listen 1337

console.log 'Server running at'

So I type command $ coffee server.coffee , It works fine, the same effect with $ node server.js

So I decided I write my NodeJS application using CoffeScript, When I deploy it to the production environment I will compile all CoffeeScript files to Javascript files.


  1. I don't know how to debug CoffeeScript.

  2. I am studying NodeJS by myself, I don't know if the above steps are correct or reasonable

This took me forever to figure out.

coffee --nodejs debug server.coffee

Apparently you can pass options to node by specifying the --nodejs flag. More on that in this other post

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