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Vim: highlight every Nth line?

I'm using Vim to write something where "pages" are important. Pages are a fixed number of lines.

I use :set colorcolumn to highlight the right margin. Is there anything similar to highlight every Nth line of the file?

The solution below:

function HighlightEvery(lineNumber, lineEnd)
    highlight myhighlightpattern ctermbg=darkred guibg=darkred
    let pattern="/"
    let i = 0
    while i < a:lineEnd
        let i += a:lineNumber
        let pattern .= "\\%" . i . "l\\|"
    let pattern .= "\\%0l/"
    let commandToExecute = "match myhighlightpattern ".pattern
    execute commandToExecute

command -nargs=* Highlightevery call HighlightEvery(<f-args>)

Add the code above in your .vimrc,

and call

:Highlightevery 10 1000

will highlight every 10 lines in to line number 1000.

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