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C# deserialization

How to deserialize with keyvaluepair the above json

string stations = [{"2":false,"1":"Aforre","0":"WS6"},{"2":false,"1":"Alodtau","0":"WS3"},{"2":false,"1":"Balimo Station","0":"WS36"}]

I what like this

var get = js.Deserialize<Dictionary<string,dynamic>>(stations);

try this:

string stations = "[{'2':false,'1':'Aforre','0':'WS6'},{'2':false,'1':'Alodtau','0':'WS3'},{'2':false,'1':'Balimo Station','0':'WS36'}]";
var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
dynamic value = serializer.DeserializeObject(stations);

and you can access objects like:

var a = value[0]["0"];

and a will have "WS6" (according to your JSON)

The JSON shown is an array. You might try desetializing to:

Dictionary<string, object>[]


var get = js.Deserialize<Dictionary<string,object>[]>(stations);


You can try using dynamic variable as following:

 string stations = "[{'2':false,'1':'Aforre','0':'WS6'},{'2':false,'1':'Alodtau','0':'WS3'},{'2':false,'1':'Balimo Station','0':'WS36'}]";
 var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
 dynamic serializevalues = serializer.DeserializeObject(stations);
 var valueof1 = serializevalues[0]["1"];

The above will print output "Aforre'.

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