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Iframe scroll bar is not visible in Android phones

I am using this code:

    <iframe class="careers" frameborder="0" height="1000px" scrolling="yes"
            src="http://intranet.pamten.com/careers/currentopenings.aspx" width="100%">

the problem is when I am seeing in Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (Android) mobile scrolling is happening but scroll bar is not visible.

Can anybody please help me on this issue.....

Scroll bar will be hidden for iframe in the following situations,

  • Using the seamless property for your iframe tag hides the scroll bar.
  • As you are testing in Tab, it is possible the width you have given to class 'careers' will be out of screen, hides the scrollbar.
  • Also possible to hide the scrollbar using the css property. Check it out if any.

Please note, by default iframe scroll bar will be shown for any screen size width.

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