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RegExp Negative Lookahead In JS

I am trying to write a RegExp that will match all subdomains of a site ASIDE from one. I think that the best way to do this is with a lookahead, and I think I'm pretty close.

I will use amazon.com as an example. test.amazon.com will be the subdomain I want to avoid.

So far I've got this:

var regexp = new RegExp("https?://(?!test\.)([^/]+\.)?amazon\.com/.*")

However, it seems that the (?.test.) will break ANY subdomain that begins with "test". My hope was that the \. would force the RegExp to only fail if there was a period directly following "test". This doesn't seem to be the case.

var regexp = new RegExp("https?://(?!test\.)([^/]+\.)?amazon\.com/.*")

true //Passes Correctly

true //Passes Correctly

true //Passes Correctly

false //Fails Correctly

false //Fails Incorrectly



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