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Using the “OR” alternative in writing Prolog rules

I am trying to write a simple prolog rule that checks if a given person from a database has ever sent or received a message to or from another person in that database. The fact is based in the form of message(sender, receiver, date). The code I have is;

?-message(max, X, Y) ; message(A, max, B).

The problem is, only the first combination of the OR alternative ";" is tried, and I receive that values of X and Y, But the program stops there without executing the second combination of the OR alternative, and i receive no values for A and B. I just need some advice to know if I am going about this the wrong way. Thanks.

As soon as the first message matches, your rule is satisfied; it would only need to consider the second message if the first failed. If you want both to be used, you want an and (, instead of ;).

The disjunction pushes a choice point to the query. To explore all choice points, you can do two things:

  • ask for more answers by pressing ; , or SPACE, or TAB.
  • collect all answers using a predicate like for example findall/3 or bagof/3 .

For example, with these messages defined:

message(max, fred, 3).
message(max, fred, 4).
message(fred, max, 1).
message(fred, scott, 2).
message(max, scott, 5).

And your query, and backtracking:

?- message(max, To, Time) ; message(From, max, Time).
To = fred,
Time = 3 ;
To = fred,
Time = 4 ;
To = scott,
Time = 5 ;
Time = 1,
From = fred.

Keep in mind that your query is more or less the same as a predicate:

person_message(From, to(To, Time)) :-
    message(From, To, Time).
person_message(To, from(From, Time)) :-
    message(From, To, Time).

With this defined:

?- person_message(max, M).
M = to(fred, 3) ;
M = to(fred, 4) ;
M = to(scott, 5) ;
M = from(fred, 1).

?- bagof(M, person_message(max, M), Message).
Message = [to(fred, 3), to(fred, 4), to(scott, 5), from(fred, 1)].

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