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Change Customer Login Password in Magento

I want to Change Login Password of a customer in Magento , I Uses the below Code to Update the Password But It doesn't work for me

 $customerid = 46;
 $oldpassword = 12345678;
 $newpassword = 87654321;
 $customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($customerid);
 $passwordhash = $customer['password_hash'];
 $phasharray = explode(":",$passwordhash);
 $passpostfix = $phasharray[1];
 $completeOldPassword =  $oldpassword.":".$passpostfix;

Use below code to update user's password, you need username and storeid additional variable to update. :-

$validate = 0; $result = '';
$customerid = 46;
$username = 'YOUR_USERNAME';
$oldpassword = 12345678;
$newpassword = 87654321;
$storeid = 'YOUR_STORE_ID';

$websiteId = Mage::getModel('core/store')->load($storeid)->getWebsiteId();
try {
     $login_customer_result = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->setWebsiteId($websiteId)->authenticate($username, $oldpassword);
     $validate = 1;
catch(Exception $ex) {
     $validate = 0;
if($validate == 1) {
     try {
          $customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($customerid);
          $result = 'Your Password has been Changed Successfully';
     catch(Exception $ex) {
          $result = 'Error : '.$ex->getMessage();
else {
     $result = 'Incorrect Old Password.';
echo $result;

If you echo $completeOldPassword and $passwordhash you see they can't match because your $oldpassword is supposed to be a password hash with salt. Now it's just plaintext

If you only want to change the password without checking old password try this

$customerid = 46;
$newpassword = 87654321;
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($customerid);


To allow change password for customer.update API request

Use password_hash as the attribute name to send the request, and in update function of $MAGENTO_ROOT/app/code/core/Mage/Customer/Model/Customer/Api.php add

if(strlen($customerData["password_hash"]) > 5){



before $customer->save();

Forget the password attribute mentioned in http://www.magentocommerce.com/api/soap/customer/customer.update.html

only password_hash is a valid attribute for customer entity.

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