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Magento Customer login and the backend login session

I am here trying to find any Magento users faced the same problem with me and see if you guys have a solution for this.

I am using Magento Enterprise version and my a number of my customer cannot login. Some of the customer keep redirect to login page even they enter a correct username and password. It happens on those browser with my site cookie already, and after I clean my browser cookie for my site then I do not face the problem and I can login correctly. And after someday, I faced the login problem with the same browser again.

My session saving in db

and my cookie setting as below: http://i.stack.imgur.com/mv7p2.png

Do any Magento users face with the same problem and what is your solution? Thanks!

Are you using custom theme? If you are then it is most likely that your theme is missing formkey. Please check in [yourthemepath]/customer/form/login.phtml, it needs to have something like:

<?php echo $this->getBlockHtml('formkey'); ?>

inside <form class=form-login...> </form>

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