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How to get the IDs of nodes inside HTMLEditor, JavaFX

I wish to remove some of the control buttons from HTMLEditor, since I do not need them. for that I need to reach the desired node. How can I know the IDs of nodes inside HTMLEditor? Please see the following. Thank you!

public class myApp extends Application {

    public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
        Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("myApp.fxml")); //this fxml has HTMLEditor named htmlEditor.
        Scene scene = new Scene(root);

        Node someControlInsideHtmlEditor = root.lookup("#htmlEditor").lookup("#what_Is_The_ID_of_This_someControlInsideHtmlEditor")

  • Download Scenic View from here
  • Add this to your application's class path
  • Add the following line to your start() method's end:


  • Run the application
  • Two windows will pop up: the primaryStage with the HTMLEditor and Scenic View's Stage
Now you can visit every node of the Scene Graph. Open the tree at the left pane, and select a Node from the HTMLEditor. You can access the controls by their CSS class.

For example, open HTMLEditor -> ToolBar -> HBox, and select the first Button. Look at "styleClass" in the "Node Details" at the right side. You will need "html-editor-cut". It can be used with this code:

Button cutButton = (Button) root.lookup(".html-editor-cut");

don't know if you're still looking for this answer. In Java 8, and HTMLEditor only has one child, which is a GridPane. The first two children of that are the ToolBars, the third is a WebView. Remove the first two children from the gridpane to do the formatting you want. Does that help?

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