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Javascript: How do you call a variable function inside a prototype class?

Okay so we have a project ongoing, and it is to be passed today. But I have a problem. This is the sample code:


var MapPrintDialog = Class.create();
MapPrintDialog.prototype = {

    // 他の画面からテンプレート情報を更新するために呼ばれる。
comboReload : function() {
    var val = tempComb.getValue();
        callback: function(result, o) {
            if (this.store.data.keys.indexOf(val) == -1) {
                this.fireEvent("select", this);

initialize  :   function(){

define  :   function(){
    var DrawPrintAreaFrame = function(mode, noUpdateStatusBarText){
    var cs = getCurrentSetting();

        if (mode == "init" || mode == "edit"){     
            PrintController.DrawMapPrintArea(cs.center.x, cs.center.y, cs.scale, cs.result.PrintMaps[0].Width, cs.result.PrintMaps[0].Height, cs.result.PageRowCount, cs.result.PageColumnCount, mode);
        else if (mode == "delete"){

        if (noUpdateStatusBarText) {
            gisapp.noUpdateStatusBarText = true;

Now my problem is, how will I call "DrawPrintAreaFrame" from another js file?

I tried:


but it gives me an error lol. How will I fix this? Please don't be too harsh, I just started learning javascript but they gave me an advanced project which isn't really "beginner" friendly XD

EDIT ----------------------

Okay now i tried to modify it like this:

var MapPrintDialog = Class.create();
MapPrintDialog.prototype = {

    // 他の画面からテンプレート情報を更新するために呼ばれる。
comboReload : function() {
    var val = tempComb.getValue();
        callback: function(result, o) {
            if (this.store.data.keys.indexOf(val) == -1) {
                this.fireEvent("select", this);

initialize  :   function(){

function DrawPrintAreaFrame(mode, noUpdateStatusBarText){
  var cs = gisapp.getCurrentView();

  if (mode == "init" || mode == "edit"){     
      PrintController.DrawMapPrintArea(cs.center.x, cs.center.y, cs.scale, cs.result.PrintMaps[0].Width, cs.result.PrintMaps[0].Height, cs.result.PageRowCount, cs.result.PageColumnCount, mode);
  else if (mode == "delete"){

  if (noUpdateStatusBarText) {
      gisapp.noUpdateStatusBarText = true;

But it gives me: Javascript runtime error: Object doesn't support property or method 'DrawPrintAreaFrame'

You have 2 different way:

1- you have to first change it like this:

define  :   function(){
    var DrawPrintAreaFrame = function(mode, noUpdateStatusBarText){
        //You function code
    this.getDrawPrintAreaFrame = function(){
        return DrawPrintAreaFrame;

then create your object using your class:

var obj = new MapPrintDialog();
obj.getDrawPrintAreaFrame().call(obj, "edit");

2- remove the define method and add your function to prototype:

MapPrintDialog.prototype.DrawPrintAreaFrame = function(){
    //your function code

create your object and simply call your method like this:

var obj = new MapPrintDialog();

It's funny, because I said you have 2 ways, and the third one just came up:

3- as far as you use Prototype framework you can use MapPrintDialog.addMethods , which is there to be used to add new instance methods to your class, remove your define and DrawPrintAreaFrame functions and add this:

    DrawPrintAreaFrame: function DrawPrintAreaFrame(){
        //your code

or even without removing your method you can use it like:

define  :   function(){
    var DrawPrintAreaFrame = function(mode, noUpdateStatusBarText){
        //You function code
    MapPrintDialog.addMethods({ DrawPrintAreaFrame: DrawPrintAreaFrame });

and create your instance and call the method:

var obj = new MapPrintDialog();

4- try this if you need your function like a sort of static method, without needing to create a instance:

MapPrintDialog.DrawPrintAreaFrame = function(){
    //You function code

and call it like this


and if you want to define it in runtime, add the whole definition to your define method like this:

define  :   function(){
    MapPrintDialog.DrawPrintAreaFrame = function(){
        //You function code

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