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Testing Network Timeouts and Errors with Ruby

I'm writing a wrapper for a flakey 3rd party API and would like some way to test my code's error handling.

What do people do when they want to test things like:

  • API responding with various http codes (400-599)
  • Connection timeouts (host is down, dns issues, etc)

Is there a correct way to do this? Right now i'm simply using a test host, adding mod_rewrite rules such as:

RewriteRule ^500.html$ / [R=500,L,NE]
RewriteRule ^501.html$ / [R=501,L,NE]
RewriteRule ^404.html$ / [R=404,L,NE]

I then make sure my code handles those use cases appropriately but it feels wrong and provides no way to test a timeout error.

If you're going to be testing routes like that, I would highly suggest a combination of rspec and capybara. The rspec framework gives a lot of flexibility, and the high user base provides a ton of places for you to get started.


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