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Choose Location of image.save in pygame

so for my Pygame project where I have to make a Paint program, I want it so that the user can save the canvas to wherever they want on their Hard Drive.

I have it set up as:

cover = canvas.copy()

if saveRect.collidepoint(sp()):
    if mb[0] == 1:
        image.save(cover,"Untitled 1.png")

However, how do I make it so that the user can choose the exact location and file name in the Windows Explorer?

You could use tkFileDialog of tkinter .

You can use tkinter.filedialog.asksaveasfilename in python 3 like this:

win = tkinter.Tk()
name = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[('Png files', '*.png'), ('Bmp files', '*.bmp')], defaultextension=('Png files', '*.png'))

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