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How to reschedule Apache Camel Quartz (CronScheduledRoutePolicy) endpoint route on failure

This is my schedular(CronScheduledRoutePolicy) for data processing.

        <from uri="quartz://schedule?cron=0+1+0+*+*+?+*"/>
        <bean ref="processData" method="scheduleData" />
            <convertBodyTo type="java.util.List" />
            <to uri="activemq:queue:DATA.GENERATEDLIST?mapJmsMessage=false" />

            <to uri="activemq:queue:DATA.ERROR.MESSAGES?mapJmsMessage=false&amp;jmsMessageType=Text" />

It runs everyday 12.01 am, the question is if any error occurs how to re-run or re-schedule manually using schedule id or route id.


Ok, since you have clarified your question, you need 2 ways to be able to do your data processing: firstly via the cron schedule and then manually.

I am going to suggest you break it into 3 routes (this is obviously java DSL, but you can easily convert it to xml).

  1. First route is the quartz schedule- it calls the processing route.

     from("quartz://schedule?cron=0+1+0+*+*+?+*") .to("direct:doProcessing") ; 
  2. Second route does the processing

     from("direct:doProcessing") // do awesome stuff here... ; 
  3. Third route is your manual restart

     from("timer://manualRestart?repeatCount=1") .routeId("manualRestart") .noAutoStartup() .to("direct:doProcessing") ; 

Now, you can start the route with id "manualRestart" using the route-start command on the command line, or via a tool like fmc .

Hope this helps.

You could use a re-delivery policy to re-try the exchange N times if an exception is encountered.

    <!-- ... -->
        <redeliveryPolicy redeliveryDelay="100000" maximumRedeliveries="3"/>
        <to uri="activemq:queue:DATA.ERROR.MESSAGES?mapJmsMessage=false&amp;jmsMessageType=Text" />

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